Thursday, October 11, 2007

I wish I could clone myself!!!!! (does that sound like I think I am just wonderful?)

I have been getting tons of requests for help with organizing and decorating projects. It is so exciting! a part of me could so get lost in this type of service to others. I feel so happy when I make others love their homes again and find motivation to continue to make their space special. I have even been told to make a business out of it- here is the problem- I have an all or nothing personality. I think that is why I am either loved or disliked by those around me. I am working on this trait but it ain't easy. I tend to throw myself into a project to the point of forgoing food and sleep (just ask anyone that has had me work in their home) I just can't leave things half done- it kills me! this is why I have to be selective of how I use my energy each day otherwise I just get all used up! I struggle at times with knowing that my first priorities are my family and my calling. I know this is where my energy needs go right now and what ever I have left over will definitely be put towards helping all of you! so- no business right now- there will be a season for that sometime soon in my life.............besides I find that once you put a paycheck with your passion it becomes less of a passion!!!!!!

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