Thursday, November 13, 2008

First time in five years...................

That I have not had to change a diaper. Tate is finally fully potty trained. I almost posted this last week but didn't want to jinx it. So you wonder why this is worth posting about?- let me explain- Tate was by far the laziest stinkiest diaper boy that ever existed. He had accident after accident and only chose to use the potty at stores and restaurants purely for his own entertainment. He was able to do it just didn't want to fully commit if you know what I mean.........My mother claims I was the same way and I believe her because I distinctly remember sitting on the heater vents and peeing during Saturday morning cartoons while everyone was sleeping in the house because I was too lazy to go to the restroom- plus I might have missed something important on the cartoon. Maybe that was way too much info. I didn't tell my parents this information until last year and they were shocked they had such a bizarre child. Any whoo- I knew that Tate was ready and so I used the potty training system my friend Heather uses when kids are just being lazy (note: if you work for CPS this would be a good time to click on another blog.......) When Tate would go in his pants I would just simply say "Oh dear, now that you are so big, wipes just don't do the trick anymore, I am so very sorry but you are going to have to take a potty bath............." Then you simply throw- I mean set the child in a tub of ice cold water and begin to scrub and clean and pour water on them- the whole time you do this you say "Oh honey, I am so sorry- I know this is sooooo cold but it is the only way to get you clean now that you are a big boy and it has to be cold so it can kill all of the yucky germs. I am just so sorry- I wish you would have just gone in the potty so we wouldn't have to do this because it must just be awful." Two potty baths later, Tate was miraculously completely potty trained even at night! He was scared to death of having a potty bath and the best part is it wasn't me giving him a consequence in his mind- it was just what had to be done so he couldn't even be mad at me. My mom thought this was pretty cruel but any of you who are in the 9th month of so-called potty training are so excited to try it- I know. This is the first time in five years that there isn't a basket of diapers in each main room (Since Livia was still in diapers when Tate was born) It is exciting and sad at the same time.

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