Monday, December 10, 2007

what a night.............................

last night was just hilarious- it all began around 2:00 in the morning when a constant hacking cough could be heard from the children's end of the house. After it kept me up for a good 45 minutes or so I decided to stop being so lazy and get up and give the poor child some cough syrup. I rolled out of bed and downstairs to get some medicine and during this whole time the coughing was in the background. I went to the hallway leading to the kid's rooms and paused- the coughing was gone- I did not know which one was the cougher and I didn't want to medicate the wrong child- I waited in the hall looking into both bedrooms for what seemed like ten minutes and then decided to dump the medicine out (remember I was basically sleep walking) I stumbled back into my bed thinking that whoever it was they were probably fast asleep again and there would be no more coughing tonight. As soon as my head hit the pillow the hacking came back- Chad was lost in stage 15 of sleep (he is the hardest sleeper) and I was debating if I could sleep through it- No- I am just way too light of a sleeper. So- up I go- back downstairs for medicine dose #2- the whole time coughing in the background- I reach the kids rooms and of course- Silence!!!!! I sat on the floor for a while and then woke up after sleeping in the hallway to a cough! I was right- it was Livia all along............gave her some medicine and returned to a full hour and a half left of sleep! Yippee mom!


Bethany said...

I noticed you had a cougher at church yesterday. will the sickness ever end for you guys? sorry!

A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

hey Amber, I know you've probably heard about cough medicine and how they're taking it off the market but I recently heard about a cool remedy for the coughing, was to use vicks vapor rub on their feet and then cover with's supposed to work and a humidifier too.

Rachael said...

That is too crazy. I keep thinking someday I'll get to sleep again, but I guess not!