Thursday, June 21, 2007

yes, it is still there!

Still growing strong!!! I am really going to fold this today. If I get it all folded and put away before Chad gets home he is going to take me to get a Snicker's Blizzard. We are trying a reward system- Chad thought it was worth a try-It works great with the kids!!!


Jen-ben said...

SO...did you get your blizzard??? =) I wouldn't. I have 3 loads in my room since Monday!

Rachael said...

I'm witness that you earned your blizzard.

sara said...

I detest clean laudry. Dirty laundry I know what to do with. Clean laundry just needs to go back to the dirty pile! haaa. :) Yes. We've had the moving pile too. :) Seriously, who HASN'T!? Please tell me nobody. :)
oh ya - Rachel Rein-Tucker wants to get in contact with you - I gave her your email - I hope that's ok!

sara said...

oh boy! - I just did a condo in Mexico and the throw pillows I used for the bed are the ones I see in the backround! (the stripe ones!) :) There is a pic. of the bed on my blog... :)

Hi, I'm Lindy... said... Honey here's a suggestion: Get rid of all of your clothes except one outfit a piece.... Also, share one washcloth and one towel for a week and all sleep in the same bed, changing sheets once a week. Now doesn't that sound easy? Another helpful hint from your loving mother.

Amber said...

You all are hillarious!(sp?) Mom your advice is by far the best!!!
Sara- I checked your blog last night and saw the pillows! I thought maybe it was your own bed and it cracked me up! by the way it is James carrington who sings the song on my blog- I love it! he has only recorded 4 songs so far. Theresa Ashcroft made my curtains! She is super reasonable. Cornice boards turned out great! And yes!- I did get my Blizzard- love you guys