Sunday, June 17, 2007

I Need Help!!!!!

(Can you find Livia?)

(Same pile different place)

Alright here is the deal- When everyone comes to my house they compliment me on how orderly I keep things and how on top of everything I am- and I pride myself in keeping a beautiful home. But here is the dirty truth- well actually it is clean-but a problem never the less- I cannot keep my washed laundry under control. I have an actual name for this problem it is called "The pile moving Syndrome". Here is basically how it works. It started out that I would let the dirty laundry pile up for days to the point where I would do laundry and fold for two days straight. I was designating one day to laundry and it was just overwhelming. My sister in law, Kellie, told me to try to do 2 loads every day and then I would be able to stay on top of things. Now I stay up on the washing part but with these two little kids I can barely find the time to fold them. As the week goes on I develop this gynormous pile and now we live out of it! In the mornings we all go and dig through the pile to find what we will be wearing for the day. (Livia is a pro at this-she even picks out clothes for tate!) It isn't uncommon to find my poor, hardworking husband digging through the pile for a match to a sock-It kills me! The reason I am calling it the pile moving syndrome is simply because I move this pile constantly. It usually starts out in the guest room which is by the Laundry room- then we will have an overnight guest and so Livia and I will lug it into my room. There it will move to my bed because I think "surely I will fold this pile today!"............nope it becomes night time and Chad and I begin the routine of moving the pile to the floor along with the throw pillows. It is becoming a huge problem. I think it began when Tate turned one and started walking. They just keep me so busy and before I know it another day has passed without folding. With my high standards of house cleaning it just seems that since I can somewhat hide this the job never fully gets completed. This year my theme is to be more Honest with myself and others. I am going to stop trying so hard to appear like I am on top of things. Now you all know my ugly truth about my housekeeping skills. It is like Monica's closet on friends. anyways my reason for this post is two-fold #1 I want to recognize my husband as a patient and loving man who has accepted my inadequacy- has never complained, has helped me fold when we can't find each other in our room anymore and most importantly helps me move the pile. #2 I need your comments on this one. What do you all do to keep up on the laundry in your home? (Chad just read this long post and said maybe instead of writing for so long about this problem I should go and just fold the clothes instead.- a better use of time maybe?)


The Cureton Family said...

Amber! I found your blog through someones else's--hope you don't mind me looking!

I had to laugh as I read this post because this is so totally me! Washing and drying the clothes I don't have a problem with. But folding them and putting them away is another story. I will be interested to see if anyone has any ideas!

Your little family is so cute!

Heather Cureton

Jen-ben said...

Oh please Amber...come up with something better than the small fact that sometimes you don't fold laundry. =)