Wednesday, July 23, 2008

bread day

I have been making bread on Monday mornings as a new tradition. My kids love having their sandwiches on rolls and I love knowing that I made something useful- Also I find that bringing a loaf of bread or rolls to friends and neighbors always brings a smile to their face. At Grandma Rhoton's funeral, I noticed that almost all of her grand kids spoke of memories where they had made bread with her. She would give them a little ball of dough and they could shape it any way they wanted. I loved this idea and thanks to my mother in law I even now have little baby rolling pins for my kids when we do this. The poor little balls of dough get a real workover by the time the kids are done with them- they play with them almost the entire time I am rolling out the rolls. I love listening to music and baking with the kids. On this particular Monday we had ms. Abbie over for a play date. She had a ball with her little rolling pen. These girls were cracking me up with their conversations at the table- I think they forgot I was there because they were so interested in their dough balls. I learned that Kellie and I need to hurry up and give them both sister's already- what is taking so long anyways? Also they decided since they don't have sister's yet, they could just be each other's for now- so cute to listen to. These girls are little sweeties!

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