Friday, March 18, 2011

Pecker and Sparkle......

The kiddos and I recently bought some Zebra Finches. I had a million of these guys growing up so I knew they would be a pet I could handle. The kids were just ecstatic and couldn't wait to get them home. They were so cute in the backseat on the drive home with their little boxes containing birds on their laps. Tate decided to name his little guy "pecker" I nearly wrecked I was laughing so hard. He is so Innocent and does not have a clue what he has named his little bird. Livia chose Sparkle so it is settled- Pecker and Sparkle are now officially Rhotons! We got them home safely but as I was trying to transport them into their cage, I couldn't get a hold of them and they got loose in the house! It was terrible because Livia started crying and Tate was screaming so the birds were all discombobulated and flying into the windows and the ceiling fan. They finally settled in the highest window in the living room with vaulted ceilings. I was throwing tennis balls up into the window hoping they would fly down and I could catch them but it all seemed pretty hopeless. I called my dad and he told me to use Chad's fishing net and put it on a long stick or broom. Livia helped me with this. We tried to catch them again and still had no luck. Tate decided that we needed to say a prayer that we would be able to catch them so we all folded our arms. I tried not to laugh but my son's sweet little prayer about his "little Pecker' and sweet sparkle just about did me in. He did the right thing however because the minute after we said amen, both birds flew down to the ground and I actually caught them! It really was quite a miracle. We have enjoyed our little birdies and love to watch them while we eat our breakfast in the morning. We are hoping for little eggs very soon! If anyone needs a bird I am sure we will have one to spare before too long.......

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