Sunday, September 5, 2010

{tate moments}

So little man Tate has had some funnies the past few weeks and because I want to remind him of these when he is older and dating, getting married etc. I decided I needed to record this little bit of his history. He cracks me up every day with the way he sees the world. First off he has decided to roll all of his R's. He says he now is speaking only in Spanish but really what he has done is replaced all of the R sounds with the rolled R. "Mom, will you excuse me? I will be RRRRRRRight back." It is hilarious only now I am hoping we have not created a speech impediment seeing as how he does it now out of habit without any awareness whatsoever. The other thing that broke my heart is when he had the realization the other day that he will never be pregnant. It is true- he was talking about how it is only girls that seem to get pregnant and why is it he has never seen a pregnant boy. I explained that Heavenly Father just designed it that way and he got really quiet and then began to cry. Chad was beyond disturbed but I thought it was cute. He really felt jipped. Don't worry Tate, some day you will be really grateful! I will remind you however of that cute little memory- you can count on it. Livia, Chad and I are always in stitches with this little guy around. We love his quick retorts and seeing the world through his perspective. If he wants something really bad he says "oh mom, PLEASE with cheese on my knees can I have that?" he is a complete crack up...................

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